About Us

We want our readers to be more than cogs in the machinery of commerce.

Welcome to Design Lifestyle Everyday (DLE for short)! Our mission is to inspire and empower you to live a little better. We do this by connecting you with the most innovative ideas and solutions in the world.

Instead of only seeing the products and services that mega corporations want you to see on store shelves, TV commercials, billboards and online ads (usually the ones that are most profitable for them, not the best for you) – you’ll now be exposed to the best solutions in the world. Whether a product is invented in a tiny town in Montana, a major city in Italy, or by a well known brand… at DLE we are working hard to ensure more competition, faster innovation and ultimately more options for all of us.

Mission and Values

We are passionate about helping inventors develop their inventions and follow their dreams.

That big idea you came up with? Your game-changing invention? It’s so very appreciated. Big Tech thanks you. China thanks you. We are all sincerely grateful for your ingenuity. Of course, thanks to weakened patent laws, we’ll be taking that idea and making it our own – but we want you to know how impressed we are by that big brain of yours. Keep the ideas coming! – Save the Inventor

Let’s let small inventors realize the fruits of their inventions. That’s why we’re here!